Introduction :
The department deals with Toxicology, forensic medicine and medical jurisprudence. The department boasts of a fully fledged state of the art museum displaying specimen, charts and models showcasing relevant faces of medical jurisprudence, forensic medicine and toxicology. The department conducts OPDs on all Tuesday Wednesday and Fridays skin diseas, sthoulya and manas roga.
Department of Agadtantra & Vyavahar Auyrved (Forensic Medicine and Toxicology) provides educational inputs to the II year undergraduate B.A.M.S. students in the subject of. Agadtantra & Vyavahar Auyrved.
It runs a C.C.I.M. recognized postgraduate degree MD (Agadtantra-Vyavaharayurved) since 2013
The department wishes to join research era of the Institution as it provides favorable environment for scientific research to contribute the beneficial practical outcome.
Objectives :
Our objective is not only to provide academic, research and community services but also to exceed our client’s expectations i.e. our authorities, students, patients and law enforcement agencies.
The Department endeavors to achieve the goal of becoming a benchmark as a quality Medico-legal and Medical Jurisprudence education and opinion provider. To impart quality education to the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, meeting the highest of standards in vogue.
Departmental Information :
The department has Academic section and Museum which are spread over a spacious area. It has models, weapons, charts as per MSR. The department is well equipped with following teaching/learning resources:
1. Books in Dept. library: 74
2. Desktop, CDs, LCD projector, Internet Facility, OHP Slides and projector.
Faculty makes maximum use of new technology to teach the students.
Department conducts visits to Postmortem centre, Forensic Science Lab Kalina, Haffkins Institute, Snake garden and court.
Laboratory Services:
Teaching Faculties: