Introduction :
Special activities of the Department:
Panchakarma is a highly progressing branch as a lot of patients are achieving healthy status of life. Every year we are treating 15000 patients and performing 30000 Panchakarma procedures.
Apart from curing several obstinate and otherwise incurable diseases, these specialized therapies are capable of rejuvenating the body for preservation and promotion of Positive health and prevention of diseases.
We have prepared charts and models for easy theoretical understanding.
We have prepared charts and models for easy theoretical understanding.
Aims and Objectives :
- The main focus of our study is to make the students aware about the basic of all diseases.
- We teach our students the applicability of Panchakarma in diseased condition and Rasayan for well being and long life.
- Department is takes efforts to guide students to learn authentic Panchakarma Procedures in a Practical way.
- We strive hard to treat chronic disorders by using Panchakarma Therapy
- We follow and study the Standard Operating Procedures while conducting Panchkarama as per Samhita.
- We are proactive in providing all the assistance for creating Educational Material related to Panchakarma e. g. VCD or DVD pattern.
- To train the UG & PG students about panchkarma with Ayurveda & modern concepts.
- To prepare experts & specialists in PanchakarmaDEPARTMENTAL FACILITIES:
No. of Ayurvedic & modern books available in Departmental Library – 77
No.of Models – 43
No.of Charts – 102
No.of Specimens – 101
Facility of e-books & internet
Use of powerpoint presentations & OHP’s for teaching.
Special Activities :
- Vd.V.J.Tiwari-A clinical study of Lekhan Basti in Obesity at Nagpur on 10-12 oct 2012
- Vd.Kalpana.R.Dhomse-A clinical study of Panchtikta tail Matra Basti in Lumbar Spondylosis at Nagpur on 10-12 oct 2012
- Vd.Tanuja S.Gaikwad:-Nasya Karmukatva on 25/07/2012
- Vd. Tanuja S.Gaikwad:-A Clinical Study of Lekhan Basti with Medohar Guggulu in Obesity at Atara,Banda,U.P. on 16-17th March,2013
- Vd.V.J.Tiwari:- A Clinical Study of Panchkola Kshara Basti & Panchkola Ghana Vati in Amvata at Atara,Banda,U.P. on 16-17th March,2013.
- Vd.V.J.Tiwari:- A Clinical Study of Panchkola Kshara Basti & Panchkola Ghana Vati in Amvata on 16-17th Sept.2013 at Hyderabad.
- Vd. Tanuja S.Gaikwad:-A Clinical Study of Lekhan Basti with Medohar Guggulu in Obesity on16-17th Sept.2013 at Hyderabad.
- Vd.Kalpana.R.Dhomse-A clinical study of Panchtikta tail Matra Basti in Lumbar Spondylosis at Haridwar on 18-20 oct 2013.
Vd.Amit A.Chavan-Clinical evaluation of Punarnava Guggul ,Dashmool ghrut & kottamchukadi Tail Abhayanga in OA at Haridwar on 18-20 oct 2013.
B) Workshop:-
Vd.V.J.Tiwari:-Education of Sex & parenthood on 1& 2 nov 2001
Vd.V.J.Tiwari:-Medical Education Technology on 5th April 2005
Vd.V.J.Tiwari:-Basic workshop in Research Methodology26/03/2012 to28/03/2012
Vd.Tanuja .S.Gaikwad:- Basic workshop in Research Methodology26/03/2012 to28/03/2012
Vd.Kalpana.R.Dhomse:-Basic workshop in Health Sciences Education Technology held from 23/08/2011 to25/08/2011 Vd.Tanuja .S.Gaikwad:-on Yoga at Pethvadagaon Medical college (Kolhapur) 2004.
Vd.V.J.Tiwari:- Rotp organiged by R.A.podar Hospital,Worli on 3rd May to 29th may1999
H) Publications:-
Vd.Tanuja .S.Gaikwad:-a) Article on ABHYANGA in NIMA
c) Nasya Karmokatva according to Ayurveda & Modern Science in NIMA d) Sneha hi Jeevan ka Saar Hai in NIMA e) A Clinical Study of Lekhan Basti with Medohar Guggulu in Obesity in Scintific journal of Panchkarma dated oct-dec2013 f) Sneha hi Jeevan ka Saar Hai in Maha sammelan Nov 2013 g)Kaumarya awastha-Panchkarma,yog chikitsa Mahatva in Mahila Andolan Patrika in Nov 2013 h) “Ghridarasi me shashtishali pindasweda,patrapottali sweda adhunik evam ayurvedic drushtikon se karmokatva” in NIMA JAN-2014
Teaching Faculties: