Introduction :
Sharir Kriya is the science, which deals with the study of human body in relation to its Physiological norms i.e. functioning of human body in its normal state. This department is equivalent to physiology and biochemistry of the contemporary medical science.
Sharir Kriya is the science, which deals with the study of human body in relation to its Physiological norms i.e. functioning of human body in its normal state. This department is equivalent to physiology and biochemistry of the contemporary medical science.
The whole purpose of Kriya Sharir is to explore the normal functions of the living organism, their principles, their mechanism and their actions. It involves understanding human physiology along with the principles of functions of human body from Ayurvedic perspective.
In this subject, students get introduced to basic Ayurvedic concepts like Dosha-Dhatu-Mala, Pachana, Prakruti, Atma, Mana etc. If one understands the normal processes of body i.e. Kriya Sharir, It is easy to understand Ayurvedic pathological and pharmacological changes; and further Ayurvedic medicine. The students of first year (UG) are inducted into this subject through theoretical lectures along with practical experiences. Department is also engaged in Post graduate (M.D.)
In this subject, students get introduced to basic Ayurvedic concepts like Dosha-Dhatu-Mala, Pachana, Prakruti, Atma, Mana etc. If one understands the normal processes of body i.e. Kriya Sharir, It is easy to understand Ayurvedic pathological and pharmacological changes; and further Ayurvedic medicine. The students of first year (UG) are inducted into this subject through theoretical lectures along with practical experiences. Department is also engaged in Post graduate (M.D.)
Studying ‘ Kriya Sharir’ (Physiology) is very important as it is the base of treating any disease.
Sharirkriya is the subject that deals with all the basic knowledge, siddhantas and clinical examination of normal individual. At BAMS level all the concepts and fundamentals are familiar but overall conceptual understanding lacks behind.
Sharirkriya is the subject that deals with all the basic knowledge, siddhantas and clinical examination of normal individual. At BAMS level all the concepts and fundamentals are familiar but overall conceptual understanding lacks behind.
After completing HSC examination and clearing CET students are conscious and a bit confused before coming to Ayurveda field as it is having a different platform of philosophies and thought processes. There comes the role of Sharir kriya faculties to make students familiar with Ayurvedic concepts and terminologies in scientific and practical way.
At postgraduate level these concepts need a different vision to understand the subject and implement in practice.
Our aim is to highlight this basic knowledge and to give new scientific approach to UG and PG students to polish their skills of Ayurveda and make them compatible to apply in clinical practice. The students are exposed to various aspects of contemporary and Ayurvedic physiology. The department has a fully fledged practical hall and laboratory for hermatological, bio-chemical experiments, besides having another wing exclusively dedicated for human experiments. The department successfully conducted Ayush funded programmes. Students are encouraged self study and presentation modes.
Objectives :
After the completion of the study of Kriya Sharir for one year, the student is expected to understand the following: The learner should be able to
- Explain the basic concepts of Human Physiology in Ayurveda.
- Describe the fundamentals of contemporary physiology related to all organ systems along with the important links between these systems.
- Able to discuss whether Ayurveda can contribute to the further development in different streams of the current sciences.
- To analyze and record the fundamental parameters related to physiology like Deha Prakruti, Dhatu Sara and Mala Prakruti in a healthy individual.
- Acquire the reasonably good skills in written and practical physiology.
Departmental Features :
- Computer and Internet facility.
- Library and reading room.
- Well equipped laboratory and museum. [Models -63, Specimens -27, Charts -147, transparencies -21 and histological slides -72]
- Books -78
General and Special activities: :
- Intra departmental PG seminars
- Prakruti OPD
- Publishing and participating in National International Conferences.
- Article/Posters/Synopsis publications
Specialties :
- The department is fully equipped with latest equipments and instruments.
- Histology slides that help students to study normal Physiology.
- Models of various systems and Charts are displayed for better visualization.
- Departmental library is well maintained with more than 100 books and about 25 CDs.
- All the other apparatus like Sphygmomanometer, E.C.G. machine, Centrifugal machine etc. are maintained for teaching.
- The department has its own laboratory where different tests are performed like TLC, DLC, Bleeding time, Clotting time, Hb%, Blood Group etc.
Special activities of the Department :
- Departmental Projects: 12
- Short term Projects: 06
The Department is also engaged in the activities like Prakruti OPD, Obesity OPD, Suwarnaprashan camp, OPD.
M. D. (Ayurved -Kriyasharir)
Teaching Faculties
